Stellaris war exhaustion. FYI: I have had to fight off BOTH at once before. Stellaris war exhaustion

 FYI: I have had to fight off BOTH at once beforeStellaris war exhaustion  #3

Adds the given war exhaustion for all of an empire’s active wars [amount] window: Opens a GUI window elementJeesasaurusrex has given a good, comprehensive explanation. You could have won years ago (100% war exhaustion starts a countdown, the enemy can’t force leave immediately) but you didn’t and this mechanic represents your citizenry becoming sick of. A higher war exhaustion score can have negative impacts on an empire's capabilities and morale over time. This includes gain, threshold, etc. War Exhaustion is not only incredibly stupid. War exhaustion goes up from suffering losses during space and ground warfare, destruction of planets (either from Colossus weapons or Armageddon Bombardment), and a passive accumulation. The war is a total war (contain threat), but not a crisis war. It's just hard for me to wrap my brain around it being called. When the enemy's war exhaustion hits 100% (attrition slowly ticks up), you can force a status quo after two years regardless of whatever other acceptance penalties they have. Doens't stop people from complaining about being forced status quo though, even with the 2 year warning. The War Exhaustion should be more flexible; in EU4, you can spend some bird mana in order to reduce the impacts of WE. With the game still paused, type "play" followed by a space and your ally's ID number. Means, when you fight a federation of 3, you will have a hard time to drive their exhaustion up. So if you lose 10 points worth of ships and your enemy loses 10 points worth of ships, but your naval capacity is 100 and their naval capacity is 200, then you will suffer twice the war exhaustion. After their first attack we could visualy see some ships being completely destroyed, while the others jumped away. The above cheat would add 5 war exhaustion to your current country. Even a hive mind or robot empire is going to find that logistics are going to eventually cripple the war effort. superiority of claim should. ago. ago. Find out the factors that affect war exhaustion, the. 1. The speed at which War Exhaustion accumulates is influenced by factors such as ethics, traditions, technology and the amount of claims being pressed - an empire that is fighting to hold onto a handful of border systems will tire of a costly conflict quicker than one whose very independence is being threatened. Wow, that all sounds far too complicated. Consequences would be massive strain on the economy for maintenance, upkeep, there would be boredom and defection running rampant amongst troops with nothing to do. Yes, i understand what defensive troops is a limited because of how many citadels and precinct houses defender have. During total war, everything occupied are instantly annexed and surrenderer will be totally. In fact, I tend to be slightly more fatigued than they. Only the side that is actually winning the war should get new territory. If you don't end the war before, the AI will force the status quo in 2 years. So when FE decided to humiliate me, I thought I would outsmart them - very quickly destroy a. GloatingSwine Field Marshal. Two of these options involve diplomacy, and the final way; concludes with the total annihilation of the loser. Gestalt (-20% war exhaustion) Claim on a single system I wanted to conquer, I didnt want to commit to a full conquest. War Exhaustion is terrible. Mechanically War Exhaustion is designed to punish the attacker. N. The rate of increase is modified by a variety of factors including techs and ethics. War exhaustion makes no sense. Alternatively, go for Mega Warforms if you are a Machine Intelligence, those almost always survive being thrown at planets in bundles of 20-30. I destroyed all the enemy fleets, I invaded almost all of their planets. The "war exhaustion timer" is for status quo, not for complete victory. anyway I took quite a few systems and planets but the enemy war exhaustion stays at 0%. Grand admiral difficulty. If you're at 100% war exhaustion then you did not 'effortlessly' defeat them. War exhaustipn is just a timer, it doesn't mean that you are winning or losing. As mentioned below, war exhaustion increases over time and when you lose ships or non-defensive armies. (Future mentions will list the non-scaled amount in parentheses) Every 10 (50) war exhaustion, further gain will be reduced by 5% (scaling multiplicatively), capped at 40. 0 unless otherwise noted. The pain was real. 100% war exhaustion doesnt mean they will surrender, whats needed for that you can see when hoovering over the button to demand surrender. Warfare is efficient. However, despite claiming multiple systems and capturing a few worlds I find that MY war exhaustion is going up rather fast, Apparently, losing a few high tier armies in the ground wars means that it causes my war. If you kill their ships, their people become demoralized and their war exhaustion increases, though for every ship they kill or every system or yours they take, your war exhaustion increases. Reply. They pursue their objectives relentlessly, and are impervious to the shattering effects of poor morale that so often plague organic combat units. This stupid mechanic has made war intolerable for me This is the opposite of true. The fact that your war exhaustion is 100% means that they can force a status quo peace whenever they want to, but that's just an option available to them. In-war war exhaustion has been scaled down by a factor of 5. The problem is that you usually do not. -----This mod is an attempt to 'fix' the War Exhaustion System. But I also noticed that sometimes destroying a fleet doesn't seem to register at all. 30: 220: Immune Machine pops: These autonomous sentinel drones will incessantly patrol their assigned. War exhaustion is not a measure of how 'good' you're doing in the war (like war score in other Paradox games). 1% reduction. At the end you'll gain the territory you're. War Exhaustion isn't a measure of who is winning. 1% reduction. Even worse, I occupy many of his planets,. Yes, Stellaris's War Exhaustion works nothing like PDX's other games. You've missed one planet (-100) and two systems (-40. The war exhaustion system isn’t a bad idea, but it shouldn’t be the thing that determines who wins or loses a war, it should determine if the other side is willing to negotiate or not. Best. Before stage five, they. TLDR; getting a 100% war exhaustion only forces a status quo, not a surrender, and that is survival for the upriser, your ally didn't force the status quo because you could do something still, ai. Fortunately the War in Heaven had been going on a while and both AEs were weakened enough that I could MOSTLY concentrate on the crisis. And please make the combat on planets more interesting. Once their war exhaustion reaches 100%, you can force a status quo peace. •. 2) War exhaustion adds a score to their acceptance rate for status quo and surrender. I've clicked on every system and confirmed this is the case. First of all get the crisis empire id (go to console -> type debugtooltip -> hover mouse over crisis empire -> get the id) Then type surrender <crisis empire id> (for eg: if the empire id is 5, type surrender 5) You will get war id's for all the war that empire is fighting. I haven't lost a single ship and of course, none of my planets are even at risk of being invaded. Sometimes a big picture view is helpful so I'll add that here: War Exhaustion is the timer - how soon until the opponent can force a peace. I understand how it works, generally, that losing territory and battles increases your war exhaustion. Buster_cherryUA. For the AI they will automatically accept a status quo request in this case, a human player simply doesn't get the option to. Alternatively, go for Mega Warforms if you are a Machine Intelligence, those almost always survive being thrown at planets in bundles of 20-30. Examples. I think you have basically disabled War Exhaustion. zandadoum • 7 mo. Yes. War Exhaustion (WE for short) shares similar properties, mechanisms, and functionalities with stability, but surrounds the field of war. Mar 21, 2023This page was last edited on 18 April 2021, at 10:32. Extension-Sock2541 • 24 days ago. Don't fleet stack. Thats surprising given the design goal was specifically made to account for this. To answer your question: A system is partially occupied when the starbase is destroyed and flipped over. It does weird things, and causes outcomes that are weird. This page was last edited on 18 April 2021, at 10:32. If you reach 100% the AI will enforce a status quo, not their wargoal, so it should be equal, since you can do the same. But when they cap my war exhaustion I can be forced into surrender. The current exhaustion System is really promising but with the current values, its simply no fun, to wage war. If you can't land on his planets, then a war amounts to nothing, unless you actually just want their empty systems. War exhaustion is just the period of time before one side can force the other side into a truce. Make that malus severe if necessary, like losing half your influence or having consumer pop usage across the empire increase for every month that you're over 100% war exhaustion, whatever, make it hurt as much. I'm not saying it's flawless, but once you wrap your head around it it's perfectly. Fighting a federation of 3 AI empires. ago. Their independence was being guaranteed by a large empire of slightly stronger overall power, but which was cut off by a mutual rival so could not reach me or my target empire with any fleets (still earlyish game, so no jump drives or. Combine with Nationalistic Zeal and Galactic Campaigns tech, and you suffer no war exhaustion. Direct Download: Download. I have not observed it otherwise. War exhaustion . Warfare in Stellaris can only end in one of three ways. There is literally no way for it to fail at that point, until the player grinds through all of the. This stupid mechanic has made war intolerable for me This is the opposite of true. It is inevitable that any war you are in will one day conclude. The higher their war exhaustion, the more likely they'll accept a status quo, and the more likely. Been trying to use the warexhaustion console command but nothing happens! it doesn't say the command is invalid but it doesn't change the war exhaustion. So I declared war on an empire, invaded and taken 7 systems, but it’s saying that the system is still occupied. It doesn't turn colonies into tomb worlds when they loose all their pops, so that may be affecting war exhaustion as well. Occupation breeds resistance. Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement. Feb 18, 2020. you can force peace, not unconditional surrender or anything like that. If you destroy their main fleet, that counts for a lot. War Exhaustion doesn't mean you have to surrender. Last edited by Elitewrecker PT ; May 28, 2018 @ 5:46pm. Sometimes the WG/WA system in stellaris baffles me. Don't think of war exhaustion as an estimator of winning/losing, war exhaustion if it was to be broken down to its fundamental functionality, it is a timer, when this timer reaches its end the war can now be forced to end for the side that reached it. If you take too long to win the war and rack up too much exhaustion, you can be forced into status quo. And is barely even thought off. War exhaustion passive gain is removed. Features: 65% reduction to war exhaustion gain. As for you vs them there are 3 main factors. When a truce happens, each side keeps the objectives they accomplished. The problem is not combat, that does the job, problem is the war. First thing to note is that if the AI has less than 100% war exhaustion and hasn't yet achieved all its war goals, it will continue to fight on regardless of any other circumstances. I'm the token oligarchic trade league. Yes, i understand what i have so much exhaustion because i lost attacking troops and defenders lost only planetary defencive armies. That's, like, the whole point of war. Once the 24 month timer has ended, it is now possible to force a status quo peace. War exhaustion is displayed in the bottom right corner of your screen, under outliner. I typically play on commodore difficulty and I don't mind the 3. Win your war goals and battles and exhaustion doesn't matter. In Stellaris war exhaustion is calculated against all participants. Everstill. I was on the defense. Well this is a strange war in Heaven Scenario. Not exactly a cheat but if you had an overwhelming economy, you get lower war exhaustion. It nearly costed me the war just because my xenophobe empire decided this was the perfect moment to become emotional about some dying barbarians. You are in a race if you want to conquer someone in a single go. AI does not get war exhaustion from destroyed planets. but both increasing and decreasing nothing works. Enforce a status quo. they are forced into status quo after 2 years at 100%. Nothing happens-- 10% chance. If you want war attrition to be more manageable, Id suggest buidling a ton of anchorages. For impose ideology, all systems you fully occupy will be turned into an empire with your ethics. ago. That's the war exhaustion system working correctly. Just don't. Stellaris is a huge space exploration playground,. You declare a war, take your claims, then white piece out. Yes, war exhaustion is terrible. This creates objectives for the war, and your opponent creates objectives on you. they are forced into status quo after 2 years at 100%. Nationalistic Zeal civic gives you -10%, there are others you can take advantage of as well. I saw some posts and threads complaining about the War Exhaustion, specially one main point: that War Exhaustion just fells like a ticking clock to end a. This is also a good mechanic for stopping wars that are not going anywhere. But in theory if not one of the empires sue for peace it could go on. That is not a Status Quo Peace. I've done my research on this. They were on the attack. War exhaustion represents your population’s willingness to continue fighting. Yes, Stellaris's War Exhaustion works nothing like PDX's other games. EU4 always had war exhaustion that tore your country apart if you got mired in a costly, lengthy war. Its supposed to help force an end to the war at some point, so you don't spend 40 years fighting over essentially 2 systems, but the forced surrender doesn't seem to effect the AI like it does you. To call all the mechanics as not working is useless criticism. UPDATE: Turns out it wasn't, enemies still not giving up when reaching 100%, what a shame. Mar 3, 2018. Lol, bruh, let's just make the AI play Stellaris, no Human input. If an empire is exhausted from a war, and that war ends, why should the exhaustion disappear ?Me and my friend have decided to start a war with an empire that we have won with multiple times. The best part of war exhaustion is that "apparently" the game counts the ameba bubbles as a very valuable ship because when I lost it on a war on its juvenile from my war exhaustion jumped 8 points by itself. If you don't, you lose. As mentioned below, war exhaustion increases over time and when you lose ships or non-defensive armies. War exhaustion isn't too binding and AI empires get raided by pirates now as well. The problem is that 2-3 small wars take 20-30 years of extra time into it, because of the 10 year truce. This kinda needs a fix in which war-exhaustion from other wars should be counted INTO other wars as well. . War Exhaustion isn't a meter telling you who is winning. When you get involved in a catastrophic war in stellaris, your planets and people never go up in arms or on strike. War Exhaustion is terrible. Playing 2. War Exhaustion is just a clock. 7; 6; Reactions: Reply. There is a famous bug where occupied territory in a war before the crisis war started stays occupied instead of getting taken over, leading for the war to not being able to ever end. Jun 2, 2012 374 426. Stellaris Suggestions: Hive Mind Civic Ideas | Fallen Empire Ideas. . You can never 'force' a surrender. The Xenophobic Awakened Empire declared war on me and my federation while being at war with the Peace Treaty Awakened Empire and their allies. #3. Gestalts that take the crisis ascension perk take no war exhaustion from attrition, ship, or (I think) army losses. Everstill. Looking forward to Victoria 3. As for getting the surrender. Peace can only be declared if one side meets it's war goals or they accept a status quo peace offer. James use a war mod It will at the very least make it um possible. Don't fleet stack. I established a Hegemony federation with another empire and their singular vassal, gave my victory rival a stupidly generous subjugation offer to counteract their -800 for being an overlord, then immediately released them and all four of their vassals (which. Oh, and force you to use the total war casus belli, which, while it allows you to wage total war without the need for claims in the lategame (thank you), it also means your enemies will near never surrender, despite you NOT being a fanatical purifier or whatever, and despite the fact that surrendering would mean I WONT destroy more planets and kill. More confusingly, my enemy has zero war exhaustion from all these battles he has lost. Imagine a situation where an empire attacks you with 56 corvettes against your 7 battleships. It. Jump to latest Follow Reply. In this example, Aztec's country tag (AZT) is specified, so 5 war exhaustion would be added to Aztec. But ok fine. Imperial- 80% of your population must join "stop-the-war-movement" for you to white peace. You prepared poorly, so couldn't just gobble their empire easily/in one go. Make it so Militarists incur a smaller happiness penalty. So ship losses are worth less due to the increased total fleet one side has. r/Stellaris. ago. Forced status quo is something one side can trigger when their opponent has been at 100% war exhaustion for at least 2 years, but they don't have to do that if they don't want to. Description. 16% Exhaustion with losing 101 armies VS. T. Stellaris is a very challenging game so do not be afraid to fail terribly a couple times. Militarists gain it a lot slower. immortalfirelover • 5 yr. Both sides have 56% War Exhaustion. But with a few powerful fortress worlds in strategic locations you can slow the enemy. I'm at war with an empire that does not gain war exhaustion. But despite winning, and consistently losing less of my fleet that the enemy (in terms of fleet points - I lose 4. This thread is archived. I won. The war exhaustion is also influenced by attacker/defender, defenders gain it a lot slower. sure, except it's only per war, thus is totally arbitrary, and abstracted to only be a faux hard limit on warfare a fun example of war beng ass, is that if 1 empire is in 2 distinct. With this mod, the war exhaustion calculation has been rebalanced to give much more emphasis to occupation of planets, starbases and systems and far less emphasis on combat unit loss. So war exhaustion increases. If you want an enemy to surrender, you need to get your War Score up to a certain number (which is determined by the kind of war you're waging, the number of. Especially since you can just refuse peace, you don't care what war exhaustion they are at. N. Since the number of AI who can take 'becoming the Crisis' is not capped, it's creating real issues for late-game. Stellaris is kind of simplified compared to other titles in war score. IIRC the war exhaustion gain from losses is based on how many you have total. When a truce happens, each side keeps the objectives they accomplished. May 19, 2020; Add bookmarkThere is a difference between war exhaustion and occupation score. This can materialize in different ways but tends to do so in ways that pressures governments to make peace even if that peace could be disadvantageous. If you look closely, there is a small separation between the bottom of the War Exhaustion box and the Occupation tracker. You kill 50 of the corvettes, but they kill 3 of your battleships and force the rest to flee via emergency ftl. Otherwise war is always a great investment, and the gamble/pay off ratio is too obvious. War exhaustion [edit source] War Exhaustion goes from 0% to 100%, and measures the total weariness and attrition suffered by all empires on one side in a war. Stellaris is a huge space exploration playground,. 2. War Exhaustion. Jump to latest Follow Reply. There are two ways to end a war. It even had revanchism when you lost territory. 30: 1. 2. I click the "Impose Ideology" anyways because I am 10 seconds before losing the war because of. Also, they are machine intelligence, which lowers their war exhaustion I think. The way the system works right now, both empires could be at 100% war exhaustion and a war could end in a status quo, despite one empire holding well over 3/4 of the opposing empire and being the clear victor. It works. No acceptance is the same (function wise) in both games. The four sources are: ships lost, armies lost (defensive armies don't count for this), attrition and destruction. It normally only ends than and not when only one hits it. Otherwise war is always a great investment, and the gamble/pay off ratio is too obvious. Examples. This creates objectives for the war, and your opponent creates objectives on you. Stellaris doesn't need war exhaustion to be 100 to enforce the demand for surrenderunlike other Paradox's games. In a humiliation war (unlike claiming territory war types) you have a set -50 modifier to be forced to surrender (same as the AI). I find the war exhaustion system to be flawed. Thread starter VahnNoa; Start date Jul 9, 2018; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our. Anyway, the issue is that the losing side gets any territory at the end of the war. Stellaris: Bug Reports. I find the war exhaustion system to be flawed. Its a fantastic concept but the numbers are obviously off. . Forced status quo is something one side can trigger when their opponent has been at 100% war exhaustion for at least 2 years, but they don't have to do that if they don't want to. Since I guess there's no attrition war exhaustion over time in WIH and with it being total war I can't do occupations, it seems rather unlikely I'll be able to end the wars without. War exhaustion has a base tick rate, but is further increased by ships and troops killed in battle. Enemies that were weaker got crushed and my war exhaustion never came close to affecting the outcome for me. Although honestly I thought that the trickle of war exhaustion was enough to usually prevent wars from lasting 50 years in Stellaris. War Exhaustion is just a clock. I won every single battle (land or space). I am at 81% war exhaustion and my enemy is at 100%. I have had wars where I've sat at 100% War Exhaustion and still been able to decline peace deals, too, so I feel like either something isn't being explained well, or something isn't working as intended. Even in a forced peace you still get stuff that you claimed and occupied. The speed at which War Exhaustion accumulates is influenced by factors such as ethics, traditions, technology and the amount of claims. I just finished a game of unmodded Stellaris and war exhaustion never forced me to end any wars early. It's just hard for me to wrap my brain around it being called War Exhaustion when the things that usually would cause War Exhaustion seem to have little to no effect on War Exhaustion. Most of its weight comes from occupied planets so carpet sieging planets is the best way to win a war fast. edit2: I know games that give war exhaustion penalties (morality, political and others. Otherwise war is. Stellaris. Otherwise you could just declare Containment war, exhaust them, and when they surrender instantly anex everything. The picture I see you just need to wait for a bit more exhaustion, win a space battle or capture a few more systems. Jump to latest Follow Reply. Basically you get exhaustion from ship losses in proportion to the number of fleet points worth of ships lost in comparison to your fleet cap. It normally only ends than and not when only one hits it. When someone reaches 100 exhaustion, the "winning" side can force status quo after 2 years. This is also a good mechanic for stopping wars that are not going anywhere. But. But, if you view it as a mechanical system it does make a little more sense, even within the universe itself. I saw some posts and threads complaining about the War Exhaustion, specially one main point: that War Exhaustion just fells like a ticking clock to end a. As long as that -50 is covered the AI can force you to surrender (aka lose the war). Basically you get exhaustion from ship losses in proportion to the number of fleet points worth of ships lost in comparison to your fleet cap. Perhaps like 'admin cap', 'attrition' is just an unfortunate term. Losing 10 corvettes is the same as losing 10 battleships, as far as exhaustion is. War exhaustion is just a bad status quo mechanic. It’s also possible to end a war by declaring a Status Quo. I thought they fixed it like a month ago? But I still see people mention the same old problems that persisted before. FYI: I have had to fight off BOTH at once before. No territory will change hands. When going to war, you need a reason. . 5% per pop neutron swept/pacified, 1% for every size of the colony cracked. It could also help stopping players from fighting a war to protect themselves from one. If you play older Stellaris 3. To quote from the wiki: All wars except those of independence have a negative surrender acceptance, which are countered by factors such as Relative Navy Strength (up to +50), war exhaustion (up to +100) and Occupation. Unfortunately, I believe you would have to be a part of the original war in order to bump up the enemies' war exhaustion that your friend is facing. r/Stellaris • War exhaustion isn’t terrible it just needs tweaking. T. #7. Your starting empire ID is always 0, so this would cause empire with ID 9 to declare war on your empire. when you can occupy everything but still lose. Gestalt Consciousness gives you a cool -20% to War Exhaustion. My fleet got power of 10,5k, the enemy fleet got power of 7,8k, they get into. ago. But 2 wars going on. Peace can only be declared if one side meets it's war goals or they accept a status quo peace offer. 100% war weariness for the enemy but it won't end (Impose Ideology by the member of my Federation that started the war). Starting a war is frustrating because you often aren't allowed for various reasons, which is understandable but even when it's just a policy change away, you still can't do it until you change the policy. I think it makes more sense in CK2 because there’s really no such thing as Total War, and you’ve also got the vassal mechanics. Stellaris [BUG] Warscore at 100%, enemy empire will not surrender. Find out the effects of war exhaustion, a mechanic that reduces the empire's influence and happiness, and the different types of warfare wargos, such as subjugation, counterattack, and plunder. But stellaris is the first game that ends wars. 16% Exhaustion with losing 101 armies VS. The war exhaustion is gained based on the cumulative losses sustained on a percentage basis. Towards the late game, AI that is fairly equal to each other can be locked in perpetual war making it impossible to generate a. #2. When going to war, you need a reason. Politically a war in which 'nothing happens' may be seen by opposition factions as a political move for your faction to cling to power, gain emergency powers and so on. Jeesasaurusrex has given a good, comprehensive explanation. This will take a long time because no battles etc are being fought, so you have to wait for accumulated war exhaustion to end the war, which can take a long time. Britain got war. The War Exhaustion mechanic in Stellaris almost identical to the one in CK2. the war exhaustion system does not make much logical sense in general but I can understand why it was introduced for the gameplay reason. Yes, they have enough fleets somewhere. ; Jun 7, 2019 @ 2:32pm. tl;dr: Logistics are NOT a good justification for "War Exhaustion". War Exhaustion is a very mundane and isolated mechanic that only serves ends up making wars last longer than they really should, and can sometimes end a war right before you're ready to end it, creating a frustrating experience. So war exhaustion increases. alexman Banned. But War exhaustion is just Warscore with a different name on it. If we want it to act more like current war exhaustion, even uncap war exhaustion. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. It favors the defender as a way to help ward off early aggression and give newer players the ability regroup. The long and short of it is this; white peace is your goal in war for Stellaris. Egalitarian + Fanatic Pacifist, I accepted a war propasal from a Federation member. Stellaris has one Major Problem and it is the Combat. However -4 is not a lot and they do not have full exhaustion yet. This is the problem with the war exhaustion system: it makes no sense. Elitewrecker PT Apr 29, 2018 @ 12:48pm. Militarism should give war exhaustion bonus, not fire rate. I'm really enjoying the experience so far, although I did have to relearn a lot. . War Against Federation. 5 war exhaustion. War exhaustion is only how close your nation is close to calling it quits. It seems stellaris is just screwing me because Stellaris. In a defensive war, you can either let them build up their fleets and keep bashing their fleets against your star bases or you can go on the offensive. There shouldn't be a system promoting equality of outcome in war. Punishing Offensive Wars (aka Fixing War Attrition) ShenaniganBattalion. (Future mentions will list the non-scaled amount in parentheses) (Future mentions will list the non-scaled amount in parentheses) Every 10 (50) war exhaustion, further gain will be reduced by 5% (scaling multiplicatively), capped at 40. This is why anchorages are important. You are now playing as your ally. I think it makes more sense in CK2 because there’s really no such thing as Total War, and you’ve also got the vassal mechanics. Stellaris warexhaustion Command warexhaustion <Amount> Copy This command adds the specified amount of war exhaustion to all of your empire's active wars. Learn how to reduce war exhaustion in Stellaris, a strategy game where you build fleets and fight wars. Yeah, this happens far too often.